Posts tagged histograms
Histograms and stem-and-leaf plots

A histogram, also called a frequency histogram, is just like a bar graph, except that we collect the data into buckets or bins, and then sketch a bar for each bucket. Each bucket needs to be the same size so that they’re capable of holding the same amount of data. A stem-and-leaf plot (also called a stem plot), is just another way to summarize data. It’s similar to a histogram, because both types of charts group together data points, and are good ways to show how many data points fall into a certain category or range.

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Changing histograms into polygons, then into density curves

relative frequency histogram is the same as a regular histogram, except that we display the frequency of each category as a percentage of the total of the data. A frequency polygon is a polygon-shaped figure that shows the frequency at which each category occurs in the data set.

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