How to use the Intersecting chord theorem

Intersecting chords blog post.jpeg

A chord is a line segment that has both of its endpoints on the edge of the circle

chord of a circle is a line segment that has both of its endpoints on the circumference of a circle.

???\overline{BC}??? is an example of a chord.

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chord of a circle

Intersecting chord theorem

The intersecting chord theorem states that the products of chord segments are always equal. For instance, consider chords ???\overline{BD}??? and ???\overline{EF}???,

chords intersecting inside the circle

then the intersecting chord theorem says that

???BC\cdot CD=EC\cdot CF???


Solving for chord length using the intersecting chord theorem

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Apply the intersecting chord theorem to find the length of the chords


Find the value of ???x??? in the figure.

using algebra to solve for chord lengths

The products of the chord segments are equal. So we can set up an equation.





Intersecting chords for Geometry.jpg

The intersecting chord theorem states that the products of chord segments are always equal.


Find the length of the each chord.

finding the length of chords

First we need to find the value of ???x???, and then use that to find the length of the chords. The products of the chord segments are equal, so





Now we can find the length of each chord. One chord has a length of




The other chord has a length of




The chords have lengths of ???17??? and ???18???.

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